Manage and automate OS and application patching to ensure that your macOS devices and
installed applications are always up-to-date Our patching offering is designed to ensure that your macOS devices and installed applications are
always up-to-date, running smoothly, and remain secure against emerging threats. We utilize a
combination of advanced configurations and industry-leading tools to manage and automate the
patching process, minimizing disruptions and maximizing the efficiency and security of your systems.
Our approach to patching starts with a thorough assessment of your current environment and patch
management needs. We then create tailored patching strategies that align with your organization’s
policies and operational requirements. Using tools such as Jamf Pro, Kandji, and other leading patch
management solutions, we automate the deployment of updates for macOS and a wide range of
third-party applications. This automation ensures that patches are applied promptly, reducing the risk
of vulnerabilities and enhancing system performance.
With Macintech’s patching offering, you can be confident that your macOS devices and applications
are always running the latest versions, protected against known vulnerabilities, and optimized for
performance. Our proactive approach to patch management helps maintain the integrity and
reliability of your IT environment, allowing you to focus on your core business activities with peace of